Bipolar Disorder Treatments

Serving Adults with Special Needs

Bipolar Treatments Guideline

Part of our human experience is to want control over our environment. We don’t like being told “no” by our parents or teachers; we don’t like being blocked from doing what we want, when we want. We like to feel like we can control the direction of our life, to make choices without restrictions. Bipolar Disorder treatments guideline could help you to reduce this situation.

The success or failure of treating bipolar disorder is about “control”. When a patient is told they have a serious mental disorder, they often won’t accept the diagnosis. “No, I don’t”! The response might be related to the stigma of mental illness. It might be sheer denial that anything is wrong with them or lack of family support. It might be the long term prognosis – a ‘life sentence’ of sorts. The worst part is hearing that it is a disease that is not curable and for which he/she must take medication every day at specific times without fail.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder has no physical symptoms. An excessively boisterous and excessively sullen personality is normal to the bipolar person’s worldview. So, no one sees, right? It is not until something serious occurs outside the norm that a problem is identified: perhaps a young adult bipolar disorder â€˜proves’ the theory of gravity by jumping off the roof or he/she charges dozens of expensive items on a credit card or he/she brings a real gun to work to avenge perceived insults by a supervisor.

Bipolar Treatments Guideline

Then it’s time to see a professional: specifically, a psychiatrist specializing in mood disorders who will ask a lot of questions. Depending on the answers, the physician will prescribe medication based on the diagnosis, age and body weight. Results will not be immediate: it will take weeks for the medication to become effective and the meds will require adjustment over time. In the long term, bipolar patients might look at it this way: it’s ‘addition by subtraction’. He/she yields control to follow doctor’s orders and gets a manageable life in return. Why is this so difficult for many patients?

Over time, it is easy to forget the pain that brought the patient into the physician’s office in the first place. Never mind the terrible depressive episodes and suicidal thoughts; never mind the financial problems experienced during the manic highs; never mind losing a job or causing a close relationship to implode; let’s forget about those eating binges and sleepless nights. “Denial – that’s a river in Egypt, right?”

The brain is the most complicated of all organs and we are just beginning to understand how it works. At some point in the future – maybe – there will be a bona fide ‘cure’ for all mental diseases. For now, most are treatable through bipolar treatments guideline, but the patient must participate in the program in order to ensure success.

Ombudsman Program

A long-term care ombudsman helps residents of a nursing facility and residents of an assisted living facility resolve complaints. Help provided by an ombudsman is confidential and free of charge. To speak with an ombudsman, a person may call the toll-free number 1-800-252-2412.